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Gainesville trip: Day 7

This should be the shortest and least interesting post of all. Basically, I woke up, went and ate lunch at a local Chicago-style pizza joint called Leonardo’s, watched a little of the NFL Draft, packed up my stuff, drove to Jacksonville, hopped on a plane, drove home, ate dinner and watched a bunch of TV. Nothing exciting, nothing extraordinary, just me trying to assimilate myself back into my new reality.

Tomorrow, I’ll relax, try to rest up and do my best to be mentally prepared to return to work at 8 am on Monday. It’s really nice to be home, sleeping in my own bed and surrounded by my things, but I am already missing Gainesville and thinking of the next time I’ll be able to make a trip home. It was a fantastic week and a well-timed vacation and I can’t wait to do it again.

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